Get ready for some major changes


welcome, amig@

I am Eloísa, founder of Elovapika. With six years of experience as a nutritionist advisor and naturopath, I have helped numerous individuals overcome various ailments. I would be honored to assist you as well. Our primary goal is to provide educational guidance on cultivating healthy habits. As a valued customer of Elovapika, we will work together to tailor a personalized diet plan, ensuring complete confidentiality throughout the process.

Our website and communications provide educational information only. They should not be used as a replacement for medical advice or treatment. Additionally, Elovapika does not endorse any specific course of action or medication in treating any condition. Never discontinue or alter your prescription medication or use nutritionism and naturopathy as a replacement for conventional medicine without consulting your doctor.

Our services

We recognize that everyone has distinct needs and preferences, which is why we offer three consultation options at Elovapika. Currently, two of these options are only available in Spanish. However, we are working towards offering consultations in English and we hope to provide this service soon.

  • Consult me at my office.

You can book a consultation with me by visiting our Booking page or simply clicking the button below to schedule an appointment.

  • Do you prefer webcam?

Schedule a web consultation by clicking the button below or visiting our Booking page to book an appointment on Skype or Zoom.

  • Or how about email?

Request written consultation in Spanish, English, or Norwegian. Share relevant info for a thorough consultation. We’ll respond promptly.

What are The Three Doshas?

They are the three doshas that Ayurvedic medicine recognizes as the foundational principles or energies that regulate multiple physiological and psychological functions in the human body. They are called Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. So now you know why we call ourselves Elovapika. But what else does this have to do with us? I will try to explain.

Benefits of a healthy lifestyle

While some things may appear obvious to the majority of people, it can still be a challenging task to modify one’s lifestyle once an unfortunate pattern has been established. As a naturopath, I work with my clients to identify these patterns and create individualized plans to promote lasting behavior change. Thus, periodic reminders can serve as a useful tool to facilitate behavior change without causing undue distress.


Eating a healthy, balanced diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, and can promote overall physical health and wellbeing.

Improved Mental Health

Eating a healthy diet has been associated with improved mood, cognitive function, brain health, and overall mental well-being, which can lead to better mental health outcomes.

Better life

Increased energy and productivity. A healthy diet can boost energy levels and enhance cognitive function, helping you feel more alert and focused throughout the day. By fueling your body with nutrient-dense foods, you can increase productivity and achieve your goals more effectively.

“If you want something you’ve never had,
you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.”

– Thomas Jefferson

Also, please be sure to read our privacy policy!

Feel free to look around. Just make sure to pay our policy some attention too. It is often boring reading, but just as often a good idea.

videos about naturopathy

Here you will find videos linked mostly from YouTube about naturopathy around the world.

Who is Elovapika?

You can read more about us under the About Elovapika section.

Please, do not hesitate to ask if something is unclear.

Why I chose naturopathy

I decided to become a naturopath because I believe in the power of natural healing methods to promote optimal health and wellness. Through my own journey to recovery, I discovered the benefits of a holistic approach that addresses the root cause of a condition instead of just treating its symptoms. As a naturopath, I am passionate about helping others achieve the same level of healing and vitality. I combine traditional naturopathic treatments with evidence-based practices to provide personalized care that addresses the unique needs of each individual.

Thank you for stopping by

I hope you found some valuable information here. If you have any questions,
feedback or would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Have a wonderful day and I look forward to connecting with you again soon.
