About Elovapika

Photo: MuriMedia

Eloísa Mediavilla Carvajal

founder of Elovapika
NATUROPATH and nutritionist

Location: Spain – Madrid

Eloisa’s qualifications enable her to communicate with you directly as a customer of importance. She eagerly anticipates building a strong relationship with you, which will allow her to provide you with the highest level of service possible, leveraging her expertise and knowledge to address any inquiries or concerns you may have. Please rest assured that Eloisa is fully committed to ensuring your satisfaction and looks forward to working closely with you.



Location: Norway – Oslo

Through his work in healthcare, Lars has developed a comprehensive understanding of the ethical guidelines associated with the treatment of individuals with diverse disorders, which he applies in all his interactions with clients. Although he is not involved in the processing part of Elovapika, Lars is available to assist non-Spanish speaking customers by mediating email communication between them and Eloísa, ensuring a respectful and positive experience for all parties involved.

Photo: KenCreative

Photo: Pexels

our purpose

At Elovapika, our goal is to provide personalized health regimens to address physical and psychological ailments. Our diets are tailored to each individual, and we take seriously our ethical obligation to maintain confidentiality and protect sensitive information. Eloísa, who specializes in Nutritional Physiology, will be your therapist. Her services include nutritional counseling, lifestyle modifications, and natural therapies to support the body’s innate healing abilities. When you request a consultation, Eloísa will arrange a time and meeting place with you.


Clients may request consular services in Spanish, English, or Norwegian. It is common for clients to expect feedback in the language they use to communicate with us. However, specifying the desired language is advisable, not only for registration purposes but also to enable the necessary preparations and provide an estimate of the expected wait time. It is also beneficial to provide a detailed description of the required services to receive the most accurate feedback.

Photo: MuriMedia

Our customer support is available in Spanish, English, and Norwegian. Please note that we do not offer any treatment or follow-up services in Norwegian, even if it is related to Elovapika. However, we are currently working to expand our services to include consultations conducted in English, and Elovapika is committed to this goal.

Please do not hesitate to inquire in Norwegian or any other Scandinavian language, irrespective of whether you have availed yourself of a written consultation or not. You can find our contact information on the menu bar under “Contact .” Note that we only handle serious inquiries.

Sidenote about nutritionism

Til våre skaninaviske gjester

Pass på å ikke forveksle begrepene “nutritionist” og “nutritionism” da disse er to forskjellige ting. “Nutritionism” er en tilnærming til ernæring som fokuserer på enkeltstående næringsstoffer eller isolerte komponenter i maten, i stedet for på maten som helhet.

Det finnes ingen direkte oversettelse av dette ordet til norsk. Men mulige oversettelser kan være “ernæringsvitenskapsfokus”, “ernæringsvitenskapisme” eller “ernæringsvitenskaplig ensidighet”.

Opinion disclaimer

Elovapika’s views are subjective and should not be regarded as absolute truth, as they may not necessarily align with the perspectives of others.

“nutritionist” and “nutritionism”

The difference between the terms “nutritionist” and “nutritionism” lies in their approach to studying nutrition!


is a way of thinking about nutrition that simplifies it by concentrating on individual nutrients or components of food. Instead of examining the interaction between foods and their impact on the body, nutritionism encourages the belief that certain isolated nutrients or supplements are beneficial or harmful to health. It often overlooks the complex nature of whole foods and their impact on overall health.

Nutritional physiology

on the other hand is a scientific field that examines how nutrients and other substances in food influence bodily functions. This discipline focuses on studying how the body digests, absorbs, transports, and uses nutrients, as well as how dietary factors can impact growth, development, and disease. Unlike nutritionism, nutritional physiology takes a more comprehensive approach to nutrition, considering the whole diet and how various components of food interact with both each other and the body.

Critics of nutrition science argue that it oversimplifies the complex relationship between diet and health, and may lead to the marketing of processed and artificially enriched foods that are marketed as healthy but may be less beneficial than whole, unprocessed foods.

The topic of nutrition and science will always be debated regardless. Nutrition science is no exception. And that is actually good as it allows us to approach more knowledge about the subject.

When it comes to Clinical nutrition however, there are plenty of similar terms going:

  • Clinical nutrition science
  • Nutrition therapy
  • Medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
  • Dietetics

These are terms which often is used interchangeably and may overlap in meaning, but they generally refer to the study and application of nutrition science in clinical and therapeutic settings.

The field of nutrition science is vast and multifaceted. As there is an abundance of information available online, we will refrain from providing an extensive overview on our website. However , during consultations and as a Nutrition Advisor, Eloísa will address the part of the topic that is relevant, and link it to the individually tailored plan she collaborate with each customer to develop.