


Nutrition Advisor &
Naturopathic Consultant


Titulado a través del Instituto Superior de Estudios – ISED Madrid (España).
Socio N° 12982 de `APTN_COFENAT`
Asociación Nacional de
Profesionales y Autónomos de las
Terapias Naturales

Hello, I’m Eloísa Mediavilla Carvajal, Nutrition Advisor and Naturopathic Consultant originally from Ecuador but have lived most of my life in Spain. I’m passionate about living a healthy lifestyle, which involves daily exercise and consuming nutritious food, essential for achieving balance and good health.

At the age of 30, I began to experience significant pain throughout my body, leading to gradual weight gain due to the ten medications I was taking on a daily basis, including corticosteroids, paracetamol, ibuprofen, and nolotil. This experience was distressing, and I fell into a deep depression. Despite undergoing numerous medical tests, my illness remained undiagnosed, leading me to consult with several doctors over the course of six years. Eventually, I was informed that I had fibromyalgia.

One day, while reading a book about nutrition that discussed the differences between acidic and alkaline bodies, I decided to incorporate this knowledge into my daily routine. After three months of adhering to healthy habits and taking nutritional supplements, my overall health improved significantly, and I was able to resume my regular exercise routine.


Titulado a través del Instituto Superior de Estudios – ISED Madrid (España).
Socio N° 12982 de `APTN_COFENAT`
Asociación Nacional de
Profesionales y Autónomos de las
Terapias Naturales

My improved health instilled in me a strong desire to assist others facing similar challenges, so I pursued a four-year course of study in Naturopathy and Nutrition at Deusto Salud in the province of Biscay. My diplomas in Nutrition and Naturopathy are recognized by the University of Valencia, and I am currently working towards my Master’s degree in Naturopathy at ISED.


Optimize Your Health with Me

As we start our journey towards improving your health and wellness, I want to assure you that my consultations are designed to be informative, personalized, and engaging. During our initial session, which typically lasts between one and a half to two hours, my priority is to identify the root cause of any health issues you may be experiencing, rather than just addressing the symptoms.

While I don’t provide an extensive overview of nutrition science on this website, I will thoroughly examine this subject during our consultations and relate it to the individually tailored plan we will collaborate on to meet your unique needs. I understand that every person’s health journey is different, and I am committed to helping you achieve your goals in a way that feels meaningful and enjoyable for you.

During our consultations, we will work together to create a comprehensive plan that takes into account your medical history, lifestyle, and personal goals. My approach draws on the practices of pioneers in the field, as well as more recent research from experts like Nobel Prize laureate Otto Warburg and Linus Pauling.

Most of my patients present with a variety of issues, including arthritis, obesity, high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, abdominal distention, and related complaints. My consultations typically take place at a herbalist in Madrid, located near the Begoña metro station.

So let’s embark on this exciting journey towards better health and vitality together! We’ll call or message each other to arrange a time and meeting place in the El Val area of Madrid. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Lastly, I want to emphasize the importance of gratitude and taking time to smile each day, as these habits can significantly contribute to overall well-being, regardless of one’s personal beliefs.

Best regards from Eloísa

“I want to become a naturopath!”

Head over to the video page to view a video depicting the experience.